
Health is wealth…

spirit, mind, and body

Each day choose to live healthy holistically

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Thankful While Waiting

TELL GOD WHERE IT HURTS “Healing goes hand in hand with thanksgiving and praise. God rewards a grateful heart.” Jeremiah 14:7 The statement, “Lord, heal me” is not only an acknowledgment of God’s power to heal you but also an agreement with His desire of our wholeness intact. Oftentimes, we forfeit the timing of God’s…

Rise Up

TELL GOD WHERE IT HURTS… “Jesus saith unto him, Rise, take up thy bed, and walk.” John 5:8 “Rise” was not only the command to physically to rise up but also the man’s expectations had to rise before his body move. Despite the obstacles, he had to rise up in faith by alternating his thoughts…

Do you want to be made whole?

TELL GOD WHERE IT HURTS… “When Jesus saw him lying there and knew that he had already been there a long time, he said to him,  “Do you want to be healed? John 5:6 ESV Do you want to be healed? In John 5, Jesus asks a man who has been ill for thirty-eight years…

Chronicles of ASA

Why Chronicles of ASA? Asa, in Hebrew, means doctor, healing. Chronicles of ASA recognizes that we all are in need of healing at one point in our lives. Whether it’s healing of mind, the body or the spirit, we all experience moments in life which require restoration by way of a healing. Since life never ceases to pose scenarios the need to be healed, even from the slightest infraction, it behooves us to be diligent in keeping our spiritual medicine cabinet well stocked.

Chronicles of ASA seeks to empower individuals to realize their full potential through the nourishment of spiritual disciplines and values, laced with encouragement to stay strong even when weakness appears to be the current outlook. Chronicles of ASA endeavors to raise our conscious to receive healing rather than rally in the cause for the healing. As we seek to change the basis of our perspective from our own reasoning to the wisdom which flows God, we can begin to realize the healings God intended for us.

The mission of Chronicles of ASA consists of the following goals:

  • Share wisdom as well as experience for the enrichment of others for the journey through life, it’s true, there is safety in the multitude of counselors, Proverbs 11:14.
  • Quarterly topics to challenge individuals to eliminate those everyday life habits the may be hinderances to God’s intended best life for us
  • Encouragement and nourishment of spiritual disciplines to live life well from God’s perspective and according to His specific will for us

Chronicles of ASA strives to cause individuals to look on the inside to bring about a better tomorrow on the outside.