Honor Father and Mother

Honor your father and your mother, as the Lord your God commanded you, that your days may be long, and that it may go well with you in the land that the Lord your God is giving you. Deuteronomy 5:16 ESV

Honoring one’s parents is expressed in words and deeds. As children we are more likely to be respectfully of our parents, particularly, while living in their house provided, eating their food and wearing the clothes they purchased. As we become adults and on our own, we may move from being as respectful as in our younger days. The commandment to honor our parents is a lifelong task. Especially, while they are living to experience the love that flows from the action of honoring, but even beyond. How we chose to live our lives as adults can bring honor or shame to the individuals who raised us, whether they’re living or deceased.  Our lives become a testament to how we were raised. Amongst the ten commandments, this is the only commandment that promises long life. In paying homage to our parents in a word and deeds, we position ourselves to receive the unique blessing only bestowed upon those who practice honoring their parents.

As children of God, we are also called to honor our Heavenly Father. Along with what we say and do, the thoughts we entertain in our minds must bring God praise. Honoring God causes us to remember to give honor to whomever it’s due, as well as our parents.

“Honor God by honoring your father and your mother,”_ASA

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