Listen And Do Not Despise

“Listen to your father who gave you life, and do not despise your mother when she is old." Proverbs 23:22 ESV

In the age of information, advice is readily available about almost anything. The invention of the internet has made it possible to share as well as retrieve information all over world. The internet is filled with web pages from an excessive number of entities and individuals completing for our attention in order to motivate us to adapt to their way of thinking. It has become a part of the current culture to browse reviews to determine if the contents of a webpage is worth our time. We willingly allow people who we don’t know to influence our thoughts, sometimes about life changing matters.

In Proverbs 23:22, the verse teaches us to be attentive listening to what our fathers are speaking into our lives,  the advice rendered from them. The reason is not based on good reviews nor our fathers’ ability to give appropriate advise. The basis is because without our fathers we wouldn’t exist. Since we half of our DNA is a result of their contribution, our fathers have more than earn a right to be heard with our undivided attention.

Moreover, Proverbs 23:22 instructs us to always be loving towards our mothers, especially, in the season they need us the most. As our parents age, the roles reverse in that we begin to take care of them as they took care of us in our formative years. Instead of begrudging our mothers, for what some might think is an inconvenience, we ought to shower them with love in their golden years for the sacrifice made in our formative years.

“As we practice honoring our parents, as an act of love, we consciously listen to our fathers and remain lovingly towards our mothers in all stages of their lives”_ASA

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