The Unknown Offense

“Make your ways known to me, Lord teach me  your paths. Lead me in your truth—teach it to me -because you are the God who saves me. I put my hope in you all day long.” Psalm 25: 4-5

Although, in some circumstances, even our very best efforts will not keep us from offending someone.  The offense will not be as a result of something we intentionally said or did. The unknown offense stems from a place where we have no control over the outcome. The offense is tagged as unknown because sometimes we will not know we have offended someone as well as we may not know what was said or done to have wronged someone. You may be familiar with receiving a cold shoulder without an explanation. Depending on a person’s disposition, the slightest or unexpected thing pertaining to your personage can be offensive to another. A welcoming personality, a brilliant mind, healthy relationships, or success can be bothersome when others are offended by one another. Even an individual’s God-given calling can cause others to be upset with someone. Some scenarios may not allow us to appease the offended, particularly, if it’s to the point of not fulfilling God’s purpose in our lives.

The response to unknown offense is found in Psalm 25:4-5. It’s a cry to see an offense from God’s perspective. When we seek God’s guidance concerning the matter, He sheds the light on even the most innocent actions we may not find offensive. At the same time, by God’s Spirit, He has us to clearly see the behavior adjustments required on our part. He also provides insight when no self-modification is necessary. In such cases, we are to trust God is yet working out all things, which includes the unknown offense to our good.

When we choose to cultivate a practice of allowing God to point out what we can change and follow His directives to make the change, we free ourselves from the guilt of the unknown offense. Being consciously aware of avoidance or ill-treatment by someone you suspect you may have offended can be troublesome. However, you can experience peace rather than be troubled when you genuinely follow God’s directives on a daily basis for the inspection of your thoughts, words, and deeds.

"When an offense is overlooked by the offended, it loses its power to cause harm”_ASA

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