Let Go of the Anger to 

Let Go of the Hurt

"In your anger do not sin”[a]: Do not let the sun go down while you are still angry," Ephesians 4:26

Oftentimes, we spend so much time in our minds because of hurt, we miss out on living in the present where God has unspeakable pleasures to offset the negatives effects of any hurt we might experience. Many of us waste precious time, which could have been spent cultivating thought to launch us closer to God’s destiny for our lives. Be aware of the unfruitful thoughts resonating in your mind to block the healing process. Constantly remembering the hurt hinders us from receiving an orchestrated healing that only comes from God. We have permission to be angry at hurt but not to sin against ourselves as well as against others (Ephesians 4:26). The question arises, “How do I sin against myself when I am the one who has been afflicted?” Simply stated, sin is missing the mark. God establishes the mark or standard. Anytime we invest time and energy in activities that do not bring about the will of God in our lives, we sin against ourselves as well as God. Choosing to constantly remember the circumstances around a hurt rather than moving beyond the hurt is a form of self-inflicting pain. Failure to realize the value of oneself from God’s perspective opens the door to self-inflicted pain from many sources, what we allow others to do to us and what we do to ourselves. 

Eventually, some seek the avenue intentionally or unconsciously to bury the hurt deep enough within oneself, which allows for steps to be taken into a future pass the hurt. However, this is only a temporary fix.  We must endeavor to let go of anger that binds us in order to be free to let go of hurt. It is in this space of time healing can flow vigorously oppose to a drip drop manner. 

“Letting go of anger loosens the psychological shackles that would keep us tied up"_ASA

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