Do you want to be made whole?

“When Jesus saw him lying there and knew that he had already been there a long time, he said to him, 
“Do you want to be healed? John 5:6 ESV

Do you want to be healed? In John 5, Jesus asks a man who has been ill for thirty-eight years did he what to be whole? The question implies we can choose or not choose to be made whole. Moreover, the verse suggests that in order to receive healing, we must make the decision to be healed. An initial thought that comes to mind, why would someone deny himself or herself the opportunity of being healed? Unfortunately, many of us are guilty of saying no to the healings God has for us. The rejection is evident by our behavior due to an unhealthy mindset. An unhealthy mindset is a mindset governed by the anything other than the Spirit of God, hinders us from properly responding to the Lord’s plea to heal. Notice in verse 7 of the same passage, the man did not answer the question rather he was focusing on the why he was not healed instead of the expectation of being healed. Something to consider is are we rejecting healing for some circumstances in our lives that require it because of our own denial as a result of fabricated truth? 

“The sick man answered him, “Sir, I have no one to put me into the pool when the water is stirred up, and while I am going another steps down before me” John 5:7 

I wonder how many of us are guilty of presenting a magnitude of excuses for why you continue to maintain unhealthy relationships, cultivate debilitating thoughts or refuse to rid ourselves of self-defeating behaviors. Knowingly and sometimes unknowingly, we contribute to unnecessary hurt by choice. We say we believe God wants better for us but we fail to make the steps towards healing because of overwhelming excuses. Our actions beg the question if we truly believe God. 

Faith without works is not faith at all. True belief is expressed in action. Authentic faith causes one to take a stand and grab hold to what one believes. I believe God’s loves me for the bible tells so. Since I know He loves me, I’ll embrace the Word of Truth. In embracing His truth, I trust God to perform according to His Word. Perhaps the lack of action suggests that a person really does not believe healing is possible? I propose fear is among the top reasons, we do not assert effort to be heal from what ails us . . . fear of being alone, fear of rejection, fear of criticism, fear of the unknown. As a result of fear, like the man in the passage, we remain in hurtful circumstances for lengthy periods of time. The Scriptures record the man as being in the same situation for thirty-eight years. It may appear as if he did not want to be healed. He had become comfortable with being not comfortable. Despite the man’s predicament as well as our difficulties, Jesus  is able to interrupt what has become the norm to bring about healing.

“Healing begins when we make the decision to be healed”_ASA

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